Our Private Client Service

Every day we focus on your financial wellbeing
Once your plan and investments are in place, you can choose to take advantage of our comprehensive, premium Private Client Service.
This service is designed so that every aspect of your financial plan and investment portfolio is reviewed at appropriate intervals, and you are regularly kept informed of their progress with reports and reviews, and meetings with your WrightAdams Advisory financial adviser.
You can be assured that our focus is on keeping your plan and investments on track… and on securing your overall financial wellbeing. So you can get on with enjoying your life without having to worry about your finances.
Our Private Client Service includes the following components:
Our Private Client Service includes the following components:

Investment Watch
Our extended investment team periodically reviews your investments to check they are performing as expected, and to determine if there are any signs indicating significant future problems. We also assess other investments which may be suitable replacements if the need arises.

Legislative Watch
We research changes to government legislation involving superannuation, taxation and investments and assess how they could impact on your financial plan. When applicable, we also develop financial strategies which you can use to take advantage of those changes.

Centrelink Watch
We assess changes to Centrelink rules, and determine the impact on your financial plan. We also develop strategies to help you take advantage of changes to the rules, where appropriate.

Access to your financial advisor
If you have a query, or your personal circumstances change, you are welcome to call your financial adviser for assistance and advice.

Investment Reports
We send you regular reports to keep you informed of your investments’ performance, your asset allocation, and your portfolio activity and valuation.

Money Insights® Program
We will email you regular educational newsletters, and give you access to our educational Fact Sheets.

Strategic Portfolio Reviews
These face-to-face regular meetings enable your financial adviser to review – with you – your financial and lifestyle goals, and then determine if your current financial plan, asset allocation, investments, and personal risk insurance portfolio will continue to help you achieve those goals. Should your personal circumstances have changed, or if there have been relevant changes to the legislative or economic environment, or if an investment is no longer performing as expected, your financial adviser will discuss with you any modifications which need to be made to your plan, investments, and personal risk insurance portfolio.

Asset Allocation Re-Balancing
We regularly review the allocation you have to each asset class and, as required, recommend any necessary re-weighting to bring the risk/return characteristics of your portfolio back to your pre-agreed benchmarks.